NetMove Eco Fun!

Commitment to Sustainability: EcoFun Project

At NetMove, we have a higher purpose in our actions and seek to promote sustainability in a fun and playful way. Get to know our EcoFun project, which is fully aligned with our commitment to the environment.

Project Purpose

Our goal is to spread sustainable and conscious practices to everyone around us while providing moments of joy and fun. Through the Ecofun project, we transform leftover and recycled packaging materials into toys, promoting reuse and waste reduction.

Sustainable Collection Point

To ensure the success of the project, we provide a collection point in our company where we store all recyclable material intended for toy creation. In this way, we encourage the participation of all employees and customers, making them an active part of this sustainable initiative.

Recycled Materials Used

We value the diversity of recyclable materials that can be used for the project, providing a variety of sustainable and creative toys. Some of the materials we reuse include:

  • Cardboard boxes and packaging;
  • Paper towel/toilet paper rolls;
  • Popsicle sticks;
  • Tetra Pak and plastic packaging;
  • Cans and tabs;
  • PET bottles and caps;
  • Fabric scraps;
  • EVA leftovers and colored papers;
  • Non-Profit, Everyone is Welcome.

Our EcoFun project is non-profit, and we rely on the participation and involvement of everyone. We believe that every action, no matter how small, contributes significantly to the environment and raises awareness of the importance of sustainability, as well as providing fun for children.

Join us in this project and help us make the world a better place for future generations. Your participation is essential for the success of the project and for promoting environmental preservation. Together, we can make a difference!